Grondal Bruining prioritises the health and safety of its people, clients and visitors to our office. This policy outlines the measures Grondal Bruining has put in place to deal with health and safety risks arising out of COVID-19 in relation to visitors to our offices.

All visitors to our office must be fully vaccinated in accordance with State Government requirements for entering indoor venues.

Visitors must provide evidence of vaccination on request by showing a COVID-19 Digital Certificate via an approved government format such as the Service WA app, or by providing a printed immunisation certificate together with photo identification.

Visitors must also:

  • use the hand sanitiser and check-in at our reception using our QR code or our manual sign-in sheets;
  • wear a face mask in accordance with State Government requirements for entering indoor venues (unless eating or drinking); and
  • practice safe physical distancing in accordance with State Government requirements for entering indoor venues.

Please reschedule any in-person meeting or make alternative arrangements (such as arranging an online meeting) if:

  • you are feeling unwell;
  • you are experiencing fever, cough, sore throat or any other cold or flu symptoms.

If you experience any symptoms or test positive to COVID-19 within 48 hours of attending our offices, please let us know as soon as possible.

We will continue to monitor State and Federal Government requirements and update our policies accordingly to look after the health and safety of our people, clients and visitors to our office.

We thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Should you have any queries in relation to this request, please contact us on +61 8 6500 4350

February 2022